Comedy Screenwriting Lab with Disney/ABC Television Group


In our work to change the narrative on TV and film, inclusive writers rooms are key to creating more nuanced reflections of Muslims on screen.  To that end, our Hollywood Bureau is partnering with major networks and studios to develop a series of day-long labs in Los Angeles designed to advance Muslim screenwriters in their careers.

Each lab will focus on a specific genre (Comedy, Drama, Feature Film) and will be lead by top writers in that genre. Designed to be intimate so that instructors can provide one-on-one attention, these labs give participants the opportunity to hone their craft alongside other Muslim writers, have their scripts evaluated by industry decision-makers, and learn how to effectively pitch their projects.


For the first lab of this series, we partnered with Disney/ABC Television on a Comedy Screenwriting Lab at their studios in Burbank. Eight incredibly talented writers were selected through a competitive application process and spent the day workshopping their scripts, receiving a master class in story structure, and learning tricks of the trade that will give them longevity in the business.

The Comedy Screenwriting Lab was led by DMA, Director of Creative Talent and Inclusion at Disney/ABC Television, who was deeply impressed with the group.  Following the workshop, one participant said, "Being in a room full of Muslim writers was groundbreaking in itself. Having the writing lab led by a woman of color took it to a whole new level." The writers left the day with invaluable advice on their work and an invitation to re-submit their revised scripts for a full review.

These creative partnerships show studios that there is a demand for authentic stories told by Muslim writers, and are an example of how our Hollywood Bureau changes the narrative of Muslims on screen. Previous labs have led to writing positions on TV, and Muslims in writers rooms lead to  better understanding of our communities by consumers of television and film.

Our next workshop will be a Drama Lab with Wise Entertainment on October 4th. Stay tuned for our official announcement with details on how to apply!

For more information on future labs, visit:

MPACScreenwriter Lab